Title: Insidishroom in Beetlebot Cove
Medium: Pencil, Pen, Marker
Dimensions: 18X13 Centimeters
Time: 40 Minutes
#art #artlovers #artoftheday #localartist #dartmouth #novascotia #illustration #pencil #pen #marker #mushroom
Some more layering, a little lipstick.
Title: Insidishroom in Beetlebot Cove
Medium: Pencil, Pen, Marker
Dimensions: 18X13 Centimeters
Time: 15 Minutes
#art #artlovers #artoftheday #localartist #dartmouth #novascotia #illustration #pencil #pen #marker #mushroom
I'm in a holding pattern on the piece we just finished. On the search for proper paint to touch up its frame. I've been dreaming up my next mushroom themed work. I've had a few ideas & I use Pinterest to gather visual references for inspiration. Have a look, if you are a Pinterest user & would like to contribute drop your boards in the comments.
Trying something new with live sketching again. I apologize the camera isn't in focus. I have two cameras and neither one of them want to focus correctly. I'll figure it out. The color isn't amazing either 🤔. I added a photo from my phone, tens to show the colors better. I'm probably gonna come back this evening for another session. I hope you all have a good day! The sun is out here, I'm ready to go warp speed 💪.