Title: Temple Grounds - Guardian of Lucid Wisdom

They say time heals all wounds; Large detailed pieces like this take days, months or sometimes a year or more to finish. The journey in total often feels like a healing event. My negative thoughts, my hurt feelings, my life losses, my dark moments, all fade away into the flow. And in the end, even if mistakes were made, the outcome is the result of commitment, determination & a will to succeed. I am of the opinion the outcome is beautiful, it is vibrant, it is love, it is endurance, it is what's left of my heart & soul when the thinking is done. I love even the parts I hate. I hope you enjoy as well; All comments welcome. The good, the bad, the ugly. 

Medium: Pencil, Pen, Marker on Watercolor Paper

Dimensions: 12X18 Inches

Time: Roughly 100 Hours in total. 

#art #artlovers #artoftheday #illustration #pencil #pen #marker #templeguardian

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