Title: Temple Grounds - Guardian of Lucid Wisdom


Last night I was able to progress the background of this piece a bit. The tree, also meant to be perceived as a dreamcatcher has been one of my favorite features to work on. It twists & turns, weaves in & out of the foreground & background. The feel of the green ink is really nice to work with. Its either the brand or the inks physical/chemical composition that makes it flow really nicely. I find temperature plays a role as well, when the room reaches a certain ambient temperature the inks flows thick & smooth. I have high hopes about finishing this piece over the weekend. 99% confidence.

I've also been working on a digital store where fans of my work can acquire prints on traditional media or other various products like cups or throws, pillows etc. More information to come on this, I want to get it right.

Thank you to everyone that reacts or comments on my work. It really is a labor of love and the feedback only enriches the entire experience. Sincerely appreciated.

Medium: Pencil, Pen, Marker on Watercolor Paper
Dimensions: 12X18 Inches
Time: 3 Hour Session
#art #artlovers #artoftheday #illustration #pencil #pen #marker #templeguardian

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